PRODUCT > Smoothboard Air 2Ls
Smoothboard Air 2Ls
The Collaborative Interactive Whiteboard Software
Allows you to annoate and control wirelessly from a mobile device (client) into a host computer, support colloaboration with two or more devices.
Smoothboard Air provides a real-time interactive platform for classrooms or meetings rooms, allows you to control and annotate wirelessly from a tablet or other mobile devices into a computer. Also supports collaboration with two or more tablets and works with any mobile device that has a HTML5 browser such as iPad or Andriod Tablet or Laptop.
If you are a teacher or a presenter with a mobile device such as an iPad or Android tablet, Smoothboard Air fits perfectly for you.
Examples of some use-cases include:
Control your computer and presentations wirelessly
Annotate on any application from anywhere in the room
Allow collaboration between participants or students via multiple mobile devices for mind-mapping and problem-solving
Annotate - Annotate on any application on the desktop from a tablet wirelessly. Flip Chart toggle for a multipage drawing area.
Present - Quickly switch slides in PowerPoint with the tablet. Annotations are attached to each slide and can be saved into the PowerPoint file.
Collaborate - Use one or more tablets for collaboration in classrooms or meetings. Allow access to any participant with an iPad or Android tablet.
Instant Access - No apps required on the mobile device Access directly via Safari on the iPad or a HTML5 web browser on other tablets within the same network.